Sunday, April 15, 2012

My first Newborn shoot

Welcome to the world
Well my theme this year is steeping out of the comfort zone and getting into different types of photography and I am very happy with how it is all going at the moment:-
It started with the Nippers at Lakes and the whole new sport thing....where to stand,m where do I get the best pics, aperture/shutter speed and everything....then it was
Having a go at some real estate...that is going well to date.

Now I got a chance to try Newborn photography and it was great. I read a lot, but wanted to stick to the basics so I packed my bag:-

- 50mm (1.8.....fantastic!!!...lens)....and a camera my Canon 7D
- Some blankets and a pillow for posing
- Cute hats (although Julian had quite a supply of hats)
- Tripod
- Flash to be used off camera
- BIg white piece of cardboard to use as a reflector and get rid of ugly shadows
- Lots of ideas........

What went well
- I got some really good pics
- Baby slept through some of it
- I really enjoyed it all and I learned a ton

What was a lesson
- Babys (even 11 days old), don't just go into poses that you put them in
- Babys cry
- Babys need time out for feeding and nappy changing (imagine website says to take plenty of paper towel ...I chose the "leave baby in Nappy" option)
- Getting home and thinking I wish I had more feet and hands pics.........but this is my husbands grandson (and my step-grandson), and so we can go back and shoot those bits another day

I also have some new gear ordered which was supposed to be here and that included unbrellas for flash (both translucent and reflecting), and flash triggers!

I scored a small beanbag for future shoots to pose the baby on which will be a godsend........I also bought some presets for Lightroom which are great....Photoshop is a great editing tool for the best, but Lightroom is fantastic for editing those shots that dont need a lot!

The newborn was Julian Michael, the first child for Alice and Mikey and it was lots of fun as he was very cute and I got a to have a big cuddle.


No more pictures.........I have had enough now!

 I am calling my agent to negotiate a deal

Checking out his own fingers!...

One of my faves from the shoot
This hat was something a bit different.........but very cute!
And dad barracked for Essendon and the white nappy kept St Kilda fan mum happy too
You had to be ready for those fleeting moments.....
I have got a lot of editing to do and will supply to mum and dad by the end of the week:-

- Disk of images
- A couple of images printed..............I am working on a couple of collages which should look great....but they are a surprise at the moment so no sneak peaks.....(well not a surprise any more.....)......

I have got another baby shoot this week, so I have to get this one finished.....but it is going well I have culled and chosen the best pics. :)

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